“On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese “I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed….” Ah, all the old and mostly lost (thank goodness) nursery rhyme songs about food from my youth. That one was a classic and I can still recall all the lyrics even today. If you listen to the rest of the song the meatball rolled on the floor, out the door, into a bush and turned into mush that the songwriter apparently TASTED. The rest of the meatball eventually grew into a tree the next summer all covered with beautiful moss and spewing forth big meatballs and tomato sauce. It sounds like this song writer might have tasted a few magic mushrooms, if you ask me. But a huge bowl of spaghetti with meatballs all covered in Parmesan cheese would really hit the spot right now. The music industry has a long history of songs inspired by food or about food that people may not realize. Many food songs are geared toward children. Growing up I can recall a ton of children’s songs that were used ...
A look at life, food, fun, joy, sorrow and the wondrous experiences of life.